A lot of people look for certain qualities in the Guru they seek – “Would they be willing to take in students, are they inspiring, do I feel a sense of enjoyment when I learn from them?” But have you asked yourself – ‘Am I an ideal student’? Is it just about being regular and consistent or is there more? Read on to find out.

When you seek a Guru, you have understood your own role as a student of the matters of our world. But have you truly understood your responsibilities?

Inspired by the composition of Sangeet Samraat Chitravina Shri N Ravikiran, ‘uttama mANvarE’ in Ragam Begada, who we are honored to have as our Guru, here are the ‘Top 10 things that make you an ideal student’:


  • Be humble
    An ideal student is one who always looks at the world with the mindset of a student. There is always something to learn, knowledge to be gained, mistakes to correct, no matter how high you reach.


  • Learning is like a penance
    Learning demands concentration and focus. Under a Guru’s watchful eyes, an ideal student will pursue learning like a penance, with single-minded focus and patience.


  • Never lose the sense of wonder
    The world is ever evolving, and there is no better position to hold than that of a student to be awed by it and want to know more about it. Be it any art, science, or sport, the universe contains worlds in each of these spheres, and an ideal student will always be fascinated by this.


  • Worship the place of learning
    Indian culture says the Guru is even beyond God. It goes without saying that the space is sacred too. Be it your classroom or your practice space, cultivate the positive energy in that space and take every bit of care to maintain its sanctity. Part of being an ideal student involves respecting every aspect of learning.


  • Stay goal-oriented
    An ideal student is steadfast in achieving the desired goal. Your goal could be a very specific title you want to hold, a position you want to achieve, or even to pursue something for the joy of it. But to achieve what you have set for yourself, you have to keep that as your North Star and keep moving, under the guidance of your Guru.


  • Trust the process
    The process of learning is like a swing. Some days, you will be carried away by the beauty of the process and your ability to grasp. On some others, your whole foundation will probably be questioned. Don’t fret. That is how the whole process works. And that is where the reassurance of a Guru will keep you afloat. An ideal student will know the truth in the Guru’s words and not question the process.


  • Become assiduous
    It is easier said than done, but showing great care for what you learn is part of internalizing it, which in turn is part of gaining knowledge. For it to ‘run in your bloodstream,’ you have to nurture it daily, be consistent and persistent in your efforts, and give it unwavering attention. An ideal student should do just that.


  • Sharpen your skills always
    Make this part of your everyday. It is not just about knowing something. Know it well. Having that kind of perfection is key to creating more space in your mind for new knowledge. What you learn new from your Guru has to come on top of what you have already learned, not replace it. An ideal student looks at it like Jenga. The tower keeps getting taller.


  • Never lose faith
    Pursuing knowledge is perennial. There was never a start, and there will never be an end. Somewhere in your journey, a Guru comes in to help you achieve what you want deep within. It does not come with a guarantee or warranty card, but what it gives is the sense of fulfillment and satisfaction, of knowing more about what we feel passionate about, of discovering ourselves through a medium, of seeing the world around us in a new light. And an ideal student is one who realizes these are bigger than any guarantee certificate.


  • Practice mental minimalism
    Minimalism in the space we live in and work out of has been the newest trend. But what about mental minimalism? Make a list of what really accentuates your learning journey and discard whatever is not on this list. Greed? Kills the real thirst to learn. Anger? Blinds the brain. Ego? Closes the door to knowledge. An ideal student leaves all of this behind once you are on the path to a good learning experience.

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